Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Truly Heaven Must Feel LIke This

Well it's been a semester. All i want to write about right now is the amazing experience I had with Spring Awakening tonight. so here goes.

I went in to tonight knowing it would most likely be the last time I ever saw this production. I went in knowing Matt Doyle would be playing the role of Melchior, and I went in knowing that when I left tonight it would be hard for me.

The show was the best show I have seen in my six times of seeing it. Matt absolutely blew me out of the water as Melchior. He really was Melchior. I never saw Matt on stage. He was perfect. His voice was phenomenal and his acting was incredible. Mirror Blue Night finally didin't look awkward to me. And his acting int he beating scene was the best I've ever seen anyone's. In I Believe he wa shaking and was so incredible with that scene. At the end when he discovers Wendla's grave, I've never been moved to tears like I was tonight. Matt was the part. There is no doubt about it. I just can't stress enough how amazing this man is. He blew my mind. I now can't imagine ever seeing anyone play that part as well as Matt did tonight. He was absolutely flawless.I know that tomorrow is his last performance as Melchior and so being the big dork I am, I bought him a little card and wrote in it how grateful I was to have seen him in this part and for all the memories that he has brought me as part of this cast and as an amazing performer etc etc and at the stage door I gave it to him and told him how amazing he was as Melchior and how beautiful i thought his voice was and he gave me the absolute sweetest look and immediately gave me a hug and said "that is so sweet of you! thank you so much!" and took a picture with me. I wish I knew aperson in my life like Matt Doyle. He is probably the sweetest, most talented person I have ever met and I wish him all the best of luck in the future. He is sure to go far with an amazing talent like his.

This show was amazing. I am so thankful that for my last time seeing this show, which has touched me like no other show has and on such a deep level, that this was the show I saw. The new cast has grown so much since I saw them on their second day. Gerard was by far the best Moritz I have seen. He was so helpless, I was about bawling during his suicide monologue. You could just see that he didn't really want to kill himself, but there was no other way out. And I saw the tears in his eyes during his whole scene with Ilse and when he found out he failed and he absolutely broke my heart so many times during the show.

I wish I could relive this show and this night over and over again, but alas, all good things must come to an end. It is going to be very hard for me to let go of this show. I will truly miss Spring Awakening when it closes on January 18th. I'm 20 years old and this show has helped me grow in the past year, it has helped me deal with problems I've had, and it has given me hope in life. I know this sounds silly and childish and really crazy, but a part of my heart will always be for SA and I will never forget the lessons that I have learned from this show. No other show has ever touched me so deeply and so alteringly before and I cannot thank everyone involved enough for all they have done, not just for me, but for everyone who has fallen in love with this show, this story, this cast and this music.

truly heaven must feel like this.


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