Thursday, July 17, 2008

A Little Left of Center

So, here I am bored at work again. I did well today keeping busy. I only have about an hour left at this point. You know what I did today? I went through cabinets of files for different jobs (I work at a construction firm) and hole punched any pages that weren't already punched and fastened in the folder. I did that about 2 weeks ago, so there really wasn't too much to do but I did what I could. I finished it awhile ago, I've been making some copies and finding some more filing to do since then. I would hate to do this as my job forever - they actually offered me the job after, I guess it was my 5th week here. I've been here 10 weeks now and I'm done after 2 more (thank God). I appreciate the money but I basically do nothing all day. So I email with my friends. Well 2 of them, but one of them only works Monday to Wednesday in an office so it's mostly my friend Steph and I emailing back and forth.

Have you ever felt...what's the word...different or misunderstood by the people closest to you? I guess that's the best word to use. Now, don't get me wrong, I adore my friends, I would be nothing without them and my life would be a lot less happy than it is, but sometimes I feel like they just don't understand me. I'm the butt of most jokes within my group of friends, and while there is never any malice or hurt and (depending on the topic) truth to the things they say, every once in awhile (and I really do mean not very frequently) I wonder if they just might not pick on me for once. They laugh at my obsessions with musicals and the characters of stories and the books I get involved in, and even my love for my university. Now I don't particularly mind being made fun of by them, I don't. I've faced it since I was in middle school (from different people though, and back then the teasing was just plain mean). I wish sometimes that I could have a friend that was so enthusiastic and crazy about certain things like me and would get excited with me, rather than laugh at my excitement (I mean I do have one friend who gets excited with me, just I guess not to my crazy extent and she joins in on the testing just as much as everyone else). I know that my friends kid around with me because they love me and because they know that I can take the joke. Hell, after 4 years of it, last year I finally gave in and Ive been making fun of myself for 2 years now - so I guess sometimes I even encourage this.
Steph says one day she knows I'm just gonna smack her for some of the things she says to me and makes fun of me for and you know someday the teasing may become too much for me but for now I only wish that sometimes they would just be a little nicer about the things that mean something to me. I know that they don't understand why I love Spring Awakening so much, or why I'm so into this Twilight series, or my passion for Syracuse and TBS and all the other things I do up there, but maybe one day they could just try?

So that was really just a lot of babble taken in random directions, trying to make sense and failing I think. I mean I know how I feel but I'm not sure I made it very clear with this blog.

Ah well, just don't think I'm mad at my friends or anything like that. Sometimes I just can't tell them that their teasing does get to me sometimes.

Well there is still nothing in the office for me to do, so I guess I'll go back to reading my book discretely...

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