Monday, July 21, 2008

You Are My Home

So, this weekend was a lot of fun. A lot of stress, but it was nice to be back up in Syracuse after 2 months away; afterall Syracuse is basically my home now, I spend 8 months out of the year there. I didn't realize how much I missed it til I went back up this weekend.

I went up to start setting up my room in my new apartment - which was amazing! Granted it took a lot of work, but now my room looks great. It's small, smaller than I thought it was but it works. I painted it "Honolulu Blue" which I was a little afraid of, because I thought it might end up too bright but there's a lot of windows in my room which dulls it down a bit and I really like the color. On Saturday we spent hours looking for sheets and a comforter that would match and couldn't find anything so it was basically a bust. But Sunday we found a really nice one that is almost the exact shade of blue, and brown, beige and white striped. It sounds a little wierd but it looks great. And a carpet that is navy, blue, white, beige and a little green. AND we found a nice desk (since apparently my parents did not want me using the one i was given) that is an antiue white and wood and it looks great. and one of those 5 prong lights that is different shades of blue and beige. It really took a lot of work to get y room from what it was to what it is, not gonna lie lol. I'm also getting a new white dresser and putting in some shelves in the corner. I brought my keyboard up but right now it's in one of our common rooms (we have like 3) but I'll move it into my room as soon as I get back up there and finish putting in the furniture.

But it was really nice to go back other than to set up myroom, to see people. Heather was up setting up her room too and Renae came to help her which was nice. Renae is going to be visitng us so much. It's already been decided. We even have a very large, very comfy bean bag chair that she can sleep on (in addition to our couch). And a lot of people also happened to be visiting or live there this summer. Jeff came over for a little bit, then Kathryn stopped by for a few minutes and Greg came by when he found out I was visiting which was nice. I miss my big brother! Apparently Alyssa came by as well but I was out so I didn't see her, and Andrea too. =(. Steph (who came up with me) and I hung out in the apartment at night with Heather and Renae and then drove over to the hotel to sleep since we had nowhere to reallys leep in the apartment. (No bed set up. most of the apartment was storing different furniture till we moved it back)

We ended up leaving on Sunday almost 2 hours after originally planned and then hit a CRAZY storm right when we got on 81. I coudln't see 2 feet in front of me, let alone the lines on the road. But it passed after about half an hour and then we were fine. Although we hit traffic because of construction on EVERY road that I have to drive on to get home, so instead of taking about 3 1/2 hours it took us 5 hours to get home. I was not a happy camper. But, it was my first time driving up and back to Syracuse which was exciting.

Not much more else to say. It was a good weekend. This week looks to be promising. My mom bought me tickets to see Spring Awakening again tomorrow night (with the new cast!) which is exciting; although all she's doing is feeding my addiction to this show. Friday Tara is having Christmas in July which is cute. Tonight i might grab dinner with Tara and Steph and this weekend my moms side of the family is coming to visit (Although I do have some doctors appointments on Saturday which isn't fun). Less than two weeks til my vacation to Punta Cana and a little less than 4 til I head back up to Syracuse for fall semester. I can't believe summer is almost over already. It feels like it just started...

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