Monday, March 9, 2009

It's Now or Never

So, I'm currently looking for work this summer. I just had an interview at a camp about 35 minutes from me to work as the music specialist with little kids. It is between me and another junior music major from who knows where and I guess I'll find out soon. I'm also in the process of applying to another camp for the same type of job.

These jobs would e perfect for me as a music education major. This is what I want to do with my life.

But then there are my parents. And Sarah Kenney playing instigator (thanks Sarah) who keep pushing at me to audition for a job as a performing intern as the Cortland Repertory Theater, and to take acting classes and blah blah blah. So now, I am in the process of creating a resume to submit to them for an audition I have yet to schedule that will be in like 2 weeks. And I'm looking into being able to come home to audition for Plays in the Park this summer.

It's wierd. it's not that I don't want to perform and don't love to perform. I do. But once I switched to teaching, I feel like that is my priority now, and that is what I spend my time doing. And now, with the pushing from my parents, I'm torn. I want to audition, but looking at this resume I put together I just feel like I'm so far behind if i want to do stuff like this. I've always wanted to do stuff like Plays in the Park and what have you, but their auditions are always when I am at school and of course callbacks ae during the week...too bad I go to school 4 hours away. lame.

So basically, I'm just writing this to express the inner battle going on in my head. I want to audition, it's just not somethiing I've done before and I'm completely (well not completely) but relatively out of my element. I don't audition, I teach now. But I guess if I ever want a shot at trying to do better time than the present. Who cares that I'm 21 (almost). Now is a better time to star tthen never right?


1 comment:

CSI:Orange said...

RIGHT! You should audition because you might not be able to later AND when you do become a teacher you'll have experience in theatre and performing to do musicals with the school.