Sunday, May 31, 2009


I can't sleep! This is getting to be ridiculous. I want to sleep! So I looked it up on WebMD. yes. I did. judge me.

okay. now that that's out of the way. I looked it up. and I can't imagine I have chronic insomnia (although I guess if this persists for a few more weeks I might...which means i should go to a doctor. whatever. here is what it said about acute insomnia.
Causes of acute insomnia can include:
Significant life stress (job loss or change, death of a loved one, divorce, moving).
Emotional or physical discomfort.
Environmental factors like noise, light, or extreme temperatures (hot or cold) that interfere with sleep.
Some medications (for example those used to treat colds, allergies, depression, high blood pressure, and asthma) may interfere with sleep.
Interferences in normal sleep schedule (jet lag or switching from a day to night shift, for example).

maybe it's cuz I just started the new job? but that's not new. I'm a temp. I start new jobs all the time and I dont get insomonia from it.
no one died. i didn't get a divorce. I moved home from school...but i lived here for 10 years before i went to college...this is my room...why would coming BACK home give me insomnia?
i'm not sick
could be emotional or physical discomfort. multitude of things I'm unhappy with going on with my emotions lol
it's hot in my room...but i turn the fan on...negates that fact.
i don't take medication...only twice to help me fall asleep/help with allergies
dont have interferences with my normal sleep schedule.

okay..i'm really only writing this cause i can't sleep and i wanted something to do.

maybe another episode of house?
i'd like to go for a run...but it's almost 2 am. bad idea.
in the mroning.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Going Downhill...

so after that last entry my summer started going really great. i had a really awesome 2 weeks. I got a job! which is fantastic. I actually ended getting 2 offers. Well one never officially made the offer but when I told them I was taking another job she said something to the effect. Anyway. I'm working as the "dramatics coordinator" at a summer camp in Monroe. Heather works there as the dance specialist so it's nice to know someone. And the kid who got the job I originally applied for (the music specialist) is actually someone I know from church and I'm excited to be working with him too.
I'm doing three musicals. the 3rd/4th graders are doing a show written by the camp directors. The 5th and 6th graders are doing Annie Jr. (conveniently which I did in 8th grade, and have on video =) and my script still...i'm a pack rat) and the 7th and 8th graders are doing a revised version of You're a Good Man Charlie Brown.
After I got the job I went and made all the cuts to the script and additions to the 3rd/4th grade show that I was asked to I just need to get them approved by the camp directors.
I'm excited for this job, but I"m a little nervous having never directed before, but it'll be a learning experience and I'll have help and support so it should be fine. I can't wait for that to start so I"m actually doing something I like to do with my time.
I also got a new phone (my old one crapped out), saw Next to Normal, saw The Last Goodbye at Joe's Pub where Sarah works, went to the beach (got an awful burn on my back which is just going away a week later), went to the COlorado Cafe for the first time in months, saw all my friends, got paid a little to work for a day at Rutgers, and just all around had some fun for awhile.

Tuesday I started a temp job at STS near my house. I work in the accounting department. When I say that i sort paper, count the piles, total the piles and put it in a folder...i'm not kiddng. All week. And for the next week and a half. It's awful. I get $10 an hour which is fantastic, but that doesnt change the fact that I sit at a desk by myself, alone, no music, no one to talk to, no nothing, for 9 hours a day. Then I come home and I'm exhausted because I can't sleep at night. I finally fall asleep around 3 am and I get up 3 hours later. a few times in the past few weeks I've resorted to taking medicine that makes me drowsy to fall asleep. Someting tells me that's not healthy. Even today on my day off, didn't fall asleep til about 3 am. expected that i'd end up sleeping late since I had nothing to do today but go to church in a few hours, but I woke up at like 9. for some reason I just can't get a full nights sleep. and it's not like I dont want to. Hell, I've started going to bed at like 9:30...and i sit in my bed for hours attempting tos leep and i dont. what the hell body. let me sleep.

so i've been working for a week and come tomorrow when I finally see my friends at the colorado I'll not have seen any of them for a week. It's summer. why am i going a week without seeing my friends? Summer is long, but it's not that long. a week without seeing them is kind of shitty. And since no on is around today (not even my family - mom is at a spa with her sisters and my bro/dad are at the Mets game) I've been sitting around doing nothing. I went fora run, I have church soon, and I deposited my check from work. I considered last night ddriving up to Bloomsburg to see Tara, but then I remembered that i believe she is out of town this weekend for a graduation party.

I lead a sad life right now. It's only been a week like this and I can't stand it. This cannot happen for the next few weeks before I start my other job. My friends and I discussed going on a little "vacation" before our jobs start. I hope we do. I can't stand being in an office all day and then coming home to not being able to sleep and not seeing my friends. and i've never not gone on vacation before. My family always goes. I know I sound like a little spoiled brat but it's just what we do. We save up every year and go somewhere for a week. This year is our last year of vacation so I was told, and I have the fortune of not being able to go because of work. It sucks. alot. I like just having that week to relax, hang out on the beach and spend time with my family.

well, I'm really only writing this cuz i'm bored. I have some other stuff I could talk about but I'd rather not I guess. I'm just lonely right now. I feel alone. whatever. I'm gonna get ready to go to churh.


Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Our Last Summer

So I'm home for the summer still doesn't feel like I'll be home for 3 months now.

My room is a disaster area. I mean t always has been, ut it's really bad right now. I have tooo much stuff for my room. So. I've decided to completely clean it out this summer. starting today. I'm cleaning it out, I'm getting ride of the wallpaper and painting it, and I'm rearranging the furniture. It's happening. i'm going to start putting things in boxes that I don' t need out, or that I want for when I move out of here and move them up to the attic or into the garage. It's a scaryt hought, but I am a senior in college now. I won't be living here forever, or for much longer n fact so I guess it's time to start cleaning so I won't have much to move out- Scary.

As far as the rest of summer goes, I am still currently unemployed, which is fantastic. I was supposed to hear back from Allegra (a performinig arts camp) about the directing job last week...still haven't heard therefore I just assume I didn' t get the job. I'm gonna go out to the mall and suh later this week and apply, which is soooo what I want to do wth my summer. And I'm registered at the temp agency, so maybe I'll get lucky like last year and work most of the summer.

I'm supposed to sing at a wedding in July - the week that my family goes on vacation. I said yes back in February when she alled because at the time I was anticipating having a job at one of the 12 camps I applied for, so I wouldn't be going on vacation. But now I have no job, and this is my last chance to go on vacation with my family. Granted, this vacatiion falls at an awful time, but it'sbecause it's with my entire dad's side of the family and that s when they chose to go. So now if I don't get a job...I can go...but I already agreed to sing at this wedding (which is for my best friends brother). dilemma. I guess I could drive myself down (to the Outer Banks miind you) and then come back early to sing at the wedding. Because if I don't have a job, I won't want to be stayin at my house by myself for a week. O no.

ah well. it's time to start unpacking/cleaning out my room.

Monday, May 11, 2009

I'm right not to trust anyone. I can barely trust my closest friends.

Friday, May 8, 2009


I am completely over being treated like crap for no damn reason. I said nothing to deserve the attitude I get. Hell, I haven't spoken to you all day because I've been locked in my room clceaning it, or running around the house cleaning up the mess so bite me. I said nothing to merit you being a bitch to me. If that is how you are going to treat me, then I will not stand for it anymore. Don't bother trying to speak to me or be my friend because it's obvious you're not. Completely over it.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Main Squeeze

Who would have though that after 2 years of thinking the group hated me, or being frustrated by the drama and rehearsals, that I would fall in love with this group my junior year.

This years group has meant so much to me. I have never had more fun going to rehearsals and seeing them. in my 4 semesters befor them, I dreaded going to rehearsals. Half the time I wondered why the hell I was still doing it, whether or not I loved a cappella. But i stayed and I'm so glad I did

Last night was one of the most fun nights I have had all year. We all went to Jane's house and did elections (I'm the new music director with Liz!) and not only was it a blast, but I was so touched by a lot of the things that were said to or about me. First off during elections, when nominating for music directors, most of the group just plain shouted my name at me. I was so touched to think that they all wanted me as the music director next year. THat means so much to me, being a music education major.

Then later int he night we were doing superlatived for the group that was still there and so many sweet things were said about me. Krystal told me that I am one of the few music ed majors that she would actually want teaching her children, most people told me I'm going to be a great music teacher, Jane said I was most likely to be a good friend and that I was crazy for thinkin they didn't like me freshman year. Someone said I'm most likely to never complain at rehearsal. Just so many sweet things. I didn't cry yesterday, but I might cry now thinking back on it.

But o man, it was just so much fun. After elections we just started siinging random songs that we haven't done, or didnt want to do in forever. And granted, some of them sounded bad, but damn! Fever sounded good for not having done it all semester! So after awhile it got hot so we went outside and started singing. aaand eventually some sketchballs started filming us from across the street. So we waved (smart right?) and we were talking tot hem and we sang some more and then they just got creepy so we retreated into the house.

We sang Baby one last time for the seniors and everyone leaving and it was sad. But I spent 4 hours there just hanging out and singing and getting to know everyone even better and it was great. Defeinitely one of my best memories fromt his year. I am going to miss this group so much next year. I know I'll still be here but it won't be this group and I'm going to miss them like crazy.

Squeeze Me!