Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Our Last Summer

So I'm home for the summer now...it still doesn't feel like I'll be home for 3 months now.

My room is a disaster area. I mean t always has been, ut it's really bad right now. I have tooo much stuff for my room. So. I've decided to completely clean it out this summer. starting today. I'm cleaning it out, I'm getting ride of the wallpaper and painting it, and I'm rearranging the furniture. It's happening. i'm going to start putting things in boxes that I don' t need out, or that I want for when I move out of here and move them up to the attic or into the garage. It's a scaryt hought, but I am a senior in college now. I won't be living here forever, or for much longer n fact so I guess it's time to start cleaning so I won't have much to move out- Scary.

As far as the rest of summer goes, I am still currently unemployed, which is fantastic. I was supposed to hear back from Allegra (a performinig arts camp) about the directing job last week...still haven't heard therefore I just assume I didn' t get the job. I'm gonna go out to the mall and suh later this week and apply, which is soooo what I want to do wth my summer. And I'm registered at the temp agency, so maybe I'll get lucky like last year and work most of the summer.

I'm supposed to sing at a wedding in July - the week that my family goes on vacation. I said yes back in February when she alled because at the time I was anticipating having a job at one of the 12 camps I applied for, so I wouldn't be going on vacation. But now I have no job, and this is my last chance to go on vacation with my family. Granted, this vacatiion falls at an awful time, but it'sbecause it's with my entire dad's side of the family and that s when they chose to go. So now if I don't get a job...I can go...but I already agreed to sing at this wedding (which is for my best friends brother). dilemma. I guess I could drive myself down (to the Outer Banks miind you) and then come back early to sing at the wedding. Because if I don't have a job, I won't want to be stayin at my house by myself for a week. O no.

ah well. it's time to start unpacking/cleaning out my room.

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